productivityAtuin: the magical shellStruggling with shell commands across machines? Atuin syncs encrypted shell history securely via private keys (you control!), works on servers/laptops, and supports self-hosting. Boost productivity without security trade-offs.
productivityGetting more productive: how do I use Alfred everyday?Using Alfred for macOS has streamlined my daily tasks, especially with its clipboard history and workflows like 'Find2Kill' and 'Epoch Converter'. It's a practical tool that has subtly enhanced my productivity.
productivityAutomating my Xolo invoicing processI automated my Xolo invoicing by creating a small script which reads JSON and pushes the data into the Xolo Invoice Form.
productivitySpeeding up my paperwork, introducing scanyourpdfSpeed up your paperwork by avoiding to print and rescan it. Simply use scanyourpdf locally on your machine, I show you how!
productivityGet more productive: Introducing LazyDockerTo get more productive while working with Docker, I recommend lazydocker. Here is a short feature tour.